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Men's Shed Guys Give Future Feedback at Monthly Mingle

Men's Shed Vernon guys have been holding a "Monthly Mingle" gathering at The Shed. The Monthly Mingle involves both an activity and lunch.

This month, nearly 30 guys gathered to dream and document ideas about how we can develop more engagement with one another and build into our community.

It has been a pivotal year at The Shed. The Men's Shed Vernon Society has moved to a new 5,000 sq ft. facility, and renovated it. We have been meeting under various COVID 19 restrictions, and have grown in the process.

"Today, it is time to turn a corner from building a Shed to BEING a Shed" said President Ray Verlage.

Breaking into focus groups in the Popo Shop, the guys had an opportunity to do some "Blue Sky" thinking about all the ways we could expand the reach of our Hands and Hearts to build relationships and projects.

After that enthusiastic session, Chef Bill had an excellent lunch prepared to restore our energy.

We are looking forward to the engagement of all the Men's Shed Members in the new initiatives coming this year.



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