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Men's Shed Vernon BBQ Treatment Effective Tonic for Men's Isolation

One of the major problems for retired guys can be a loss of purpose and a feeling of isolation. Men's Shed Vernon builds all kinds of community and personal projects together to restore and maintain a sense of purpose.

Now...what about battling isolation? We do that by firing up our BBQ regularly to get together to share on how we are all doing.

Today, Ray got up early, seasoned some pork loin, and headed down To The Shed to fire up the BBQ. Claude came by not long after with chocolate cake and cookies.

Some more guys dove in to help dry mop the shop and set up tables to get ready for our monthly lunch. Don W brought a BIG Ceaser salad! Add some watermelon, smiles, conversation, and you've got that magic Men's Shed Vernon elixir that makes a guy feel welcome and involved. Guaranteed to chase away the "Got Nothin To Do Blues".

We had a new member join us today, ans well as a guest who happened to stop by to see what Men's Shed Vernon was all about.

The BBQ is all cleaned up and stowed away. It won't be long before another prescribed dose of camaraderie is due again.

E-mail us if you would like to come down to men's Shed Vernon to see what is so special that we should bottle it!!


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