or... Are you at Stage 3 Retirement yet?
I came across a great (and Brief) TedEx talk sent to me by Kevin, who is another Shed guy in Ontario. You would think that Dr. Riley Moynes was speaking right to me as if he was a Men's Shed Guy.
He was Speaking about:
The Four Stages of Retirement:
Trial & Error
In just
you can get a sense of what stage of retirement you may be at right now.
So...grab a coffee. Tune in to this LINK at the three minute mark, sit back, and listen to Dr. Riley Moynes. If you're up to trying something that brings, purpose, relationships, giving, and learning into your life, Men's Shed Vernon may just be your new squeeze!
Send us an e-mail so that we can take you for a tour of our shop and have a chat on what we can do for one another. mensshedvernon@gmail.com
What a great presentation.