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Men's Shed Vernon Hammerheads Nail Down Support at Literacy Spelling Bee

By: Nels Carlson

On Oct 12 Four MSV members ( The HAMMERHEADS ) teamed up with four members of The Canadian Federation of University Women ( The PH Bees ) to compete in the 13th Annual Adult Spelling Bee along with 100 other fun loving Vernonites at the Vernon Lodge. As we enjoyed a tasty buffet breakfast preceeding the competition teams planned strategy, picked a captain and tried to look smarter than the tables nearby. The room was filled with Lawyers, Bankers, Tire Experts, Educators, Media Communication Entertainers and Literacy Society Volunteers. At 8:00 AM we were given three short trial tests to try and organize our combined brains to agree on the spelling of three words. The answers posted on the screen revealed we were in for a challenging competition. diarrhea ......made us extremely nervous Gobbledygook.....was that a real word? Hallelujah....we will need help from above! Just to add a little pressure we had only 45 seconds to agree on an answer and fill in the official form. Five rounds later we had battled our way through such everyday words as anemone, ptomaine, and wildebeest. Laughter and giggles filled the room as everyone struggled to provide accurate answers. In the end The EGGHEADS from Vernon College were declared the winners who proudly retained their title from previous years. Mike, Pat, Don and I had a great time, met some interesting people and got to know each other a little more. Truly a good example of men enriching our lives using hands, hearts, and minds together.


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